Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Aspiration Statement...DONE!!

“When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing -- then we truly live life.” -Greg Anderson

There were specific questions asked...A thru E.  These are my answers.  It may be wordier than they wanted but if you know me, it's just about right.  LOL!!  I would love your feedback.  BTW...this statement is being sent to Mali as an introduction and letting them know what experience I bring with me to their country.


Clare Francavilla
Country of Service: Mali
Departure: January 31, 2011

We all aspire to do things in our life. These things can be simple, achievable goals, or they can be dreams of grandeur. No matter how achievable or reasonable an aspiration may seem, there will almost always be limitations. Limitations that need to be overcome when possible to reach these aspirations.

A. My dream of grandeur was to join the Peace Corps and in some large or small way make a difference in the world…even if it is just the world of one person, 10 people or a small village. This dream began about 15 years ago. I have been waiting and volunteering and educating myself since then. When the time finally came for my dream to come true I would be ready. I am ready and my time has come!! I have been volunteering with the American Red Cross in disaster response and relief. Working as a case manager and tuning my interpersonal skills and ability to work with those in desperate time of need. Through the Alliance for African Assistance and the International Rescue Committee I have become very familiar working with those from other cultures. Learning to embrace the differences in everyone I meet. My experience working with San Diego Hospice has prepared me to work with those in the last stages of their life. The young and old, those affected by HIV and Aids and babies and small children much too young to be faced with the harsh realities of life…and death.

As all of these attributes and experiences are going to be helpful in my endeavors in Mali, I feel that my interpersonal experience and my experience as an instructor/trainer both in and out of the health field will be most valuable. When you are knowledgeable about the information you are passing along and you have the ability to do it in a way that make others want to listen to you it can be easy to make a difference. Some of my goals for my time in Mali are to see more women and babies going into the health centers for needed medical attention and vaccinations. To help promote the awareness of HIV and Aids and how to avoid contraction and spread of these illnesses that take so many lives unnecessarily. To pass along information about malaria and prevention methods. I look forward to helping out in the health center as well.

B. No matter your education, your experience, or your title it is important to get along with everyone and for everyone to work effectively together to accomplish your work mission. I believe that everyone in the Peace Corps, other volunteer organizations and local personnel all hope to accomplish the same goals in Mali.

Effective relationships, work or otherwise, form the foundation for success and satisfaction with our jobs, careers and even in our personal lives. With all the life experience I have here in the states I know there is so much more for me to learn to be effective in Mali. I am sure that everyone I will be working with has talents, skills and experiences that I will be able to learn and grow from that will help me fulfill the goals of the team as well as my personal goals. I am funny and personable but will also take my work in Mali very seriously. I am capable of doing anything that is asked of me. I have always had stellar relationships with the people that I work with and I have much to contribute to the success of the program. I am looking forward to meeting and working with new people and getting to know everyone.

C: During my employment with the American Red Cross I received basic Cultural Diversity Training. I have been in many situations during my time in a Disaster Response role and in my time with the International Rescue Committee and Alliance for African Assistance to work closely with other cultures from all walks of life. In my position as a manager with DataQuick I was required to travel, train and maintain a relationship with partnering Data Entry companies internationally. All of these experiences have been good preparation for my ability to work with new cultures. I have grown to appreciate and respect people for who they are. Every person from all cultures I have had the pleasure of meeting has contributed in some way to the person that I am today. I believe that if we all learn to be tolerant of each other and respect people for who they are the world will be a quieter place. I’m excited about living among another culture.

D: Although I have a significant amount of cultural diversity training, I am hoping to get more training specific for the area and people that I will be serving during my time in the Peace Corps. As well, during pre-service training, I am looking forward to learning a new language. I have a good French language base thanks to the two semesters I took in the local community college and the studying I have been doing since then. By the time I get to Mali I’m planning to have completed the language lessons for Bambara that are posted on the Peace Corps website and the other lessons that I have found on the internet. But nothing will be as useful as the immersion training I am hoping to get once in-country. I am also looking forward to getting more specific information about my position as a Health Education Extension Agent. The more information that I can get before moving on to my new home for the next 27 months the more useful I will be for the people I am there to serve as well as the people I am there to serve with.

E:   When it is time for me to return home after my service in Mali has been completed, I hope to be able to use the work that I will have done there and the experience both personally and professionally to move forward with a new career. I plan on taking advantage of the non-competitive job search within the federal government being offered. I would like to think that I will be able to use my experience working in the health centers and as an instructor in the field in family planning promotion, HIV and Aids awareness, child wellness, pre- and post-natal care and general health education within my own community in the states to educate our children. I would like to work within the underserved communities and refugees specifically. I will also be researching my option to move forward within the Peace Corps. Possibly extending my service time or moving into Peace Corps response.

I have always wanted to work in the field and work within the underserved communities. I imagine that living and serving in another country will only whet my appetite towards such service and inspire me to want to do more. These 27 months is just the beginning of my service.

Thank you for inviting me to serve in your country. It is wonderful to feel one’s purpose, one’s values, one’s confidence and self respect…I am honored.

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