Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011 - Random thought

Malians think we’re dirty. They say we only wash our feet once a day when we bathe. They wash their feet at least 3 times a day at the well.

When they go to the bathroom they hold a salidaga (ass washing teapot) in their right hand and wipe with their left ONLY. When they eat they NEVER use their left hand. NEVER, NEVER put your left hand in the bowl. Even if you’re left handed. We use our strong/writing hand for everything…writing, wiping, picking our noses, licking and then eating. This horrifies them. Now that it’s been bought to my attention it horrifies me a bit too.

Today I peed directly into the hole…twice. No run off on the floor and no splashing on my feet. Now you know why they wash their feet throughout the day. It’s unavoidable. Pee splashes.

After being so sick and shitty for the past few days I don’t think I want to be in as a remote an area as I had first thought and told them in my interview. I still want a small village but I don’t want to have to rely on riding my bike 9 miles just to get to the main road to meet the PC shuttle or bus to get out of town. Who was I kidding. I’m gonna drop dead. Hot season is coming. It will be a 110 to 120 out soon. Screw that. Where are the air conditioned huts?

I got a cell phone. Anyone cal call me and no matter how far out I am I should have service. It doesn’t cost me anything to receive calls, but it will cost you an arm and a leg I’m sure. So I don’t recommend it unless it’s an emergency.

I wish I had a piece of beef jerky or some fruit. There is no refrigerator to raid at night when the mood suits me.

Mango season is coming up. Mangos the size of your head from what I hear.

1 comment:

  1. Mangos! With mango flies! Ha.

    Pumpkin, maybe we can send you some jerky and dried fruit. I know how much you love papaya :)
