Friday, June 10, 2011

My last thoughts from the US...for 27 months

Another one not posted...

Today will be my last day in the US for 27 months.  The last day I could take a nice, long, hot shower.  The last day I'll sleep in a big comfy bed...with multiple pillows.  The last day I will just lounge around watching TV.  The last day I can pick up a phone or a computer and get access to whomever or whatever without having to think about it or hassle with it.  The last day I can, easily, run away screaming and head back home.  Today was the last day to see one last more American pre-Peace Corps friend before I leave.

Don first manager when I started working at the Red Cross a few years back.  He moved to DC about a year or so ago.  He came to the hotel and took me to breakfast before he went to work.  It was real nice to see him again.  And again, the last friend I will see in the US for 27 months.

Now I'm back in my room.  Last minute checking around to make sure I didn't forget anything.  We have to meet down in the bar area at 12.  Big, giant, heavy luggage in tow.  At 1 we will get on a bus to go get our shot. Only one...yellowfever. When we're done with clinic at about 4 we'll head over to the airport. It's going to take about an hour to get there. Then we get to wait for 4 hours to board the plane. Then Paris here we come. OMG. I don't know at what point this will becomes real.  I just keep going where they tell me to go and doing what they tell me to do. Like a robot. Maybe when I get off the plane in Mali at 9pm and the hot air hits me will I realize "I'm going to Africa".

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