Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Bougoula will be a hungry village."

It has only rained one time since I've been back.  This is very bad.  Because of not having a good source of water for irrigation any other time of year most small villages wait and rely on rainy season to do their planting.  They plant when they know rainy season is here and as long as the rains keep us as expected their crops will be ready to harvest by the end of the season...October-ish.  Well they are ready to plant and some have planted already and still no rain.  Someone told me the other day that if it doesn't rain soon "Bougoula will be a hungry village".

Wedding Bells...or drums...whatever!
July 5, 2011
I went to my first wedding.  Well actually it was the day before party.  The women and men celebrate seperately until the actual wedding.  They gather around 11am and eat and talk...and eat and talk.  At night there are drums and dancing.  After the wedding is a procession of 20-30 motorcycles/scooters riding down the road, beeping their horns with the bridge and groom out front.  Except for their festivities taking place all outside, rain or shine, and the no electricity...and the's much like a wedding in the states.  LOL!

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