Saturday, July 9, 2011

The land of cotton

Look away, look away, look away Dixieland:

I planted cotton today. I saw my jatigi this morning and he said I should come with him to the field. I came back with a new outlook and decided I should get into the spirit of small village living. What better place to start than the fields. I didn’t know I would actually be doing work. Oddly enough there was about 10 guys out in the fields planting. Usually this is woman’s work (along with everything else). I was a little surprised. But they handed me a dabla (hoe type tool) and pocket full of cotton seeds and I planted along with everyone else

Rain, rain go away, come back another day:

What is the opposite of this song. I think I am listening to it right now. I was woken up by drumming in the close distance. It’s about 12:30am. Not sure which direction it is coming from. It is a rain dance. Since the rains have not come on their own in desperation they are out playing drums and dancing for the rain to come. It actually looked all day like it was going to rain. But it has looked like that every day since I’ve been home and hasn’t rained since the first day I got back. But as I look out my bedroom window I can see stars now. Although the thermometer in my room reads about 20 degrees cooler than it had been before I left it doesn’t feel any cooler. The humidity is overwhelming. I am sweating and my bed is a big wet spot. The only relief is rain. I hope this rain dance works. It can’t hurt to try, right?

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