Monday, August 30, 2010

Hurry and wait!!

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

December 17, 2009
Today is Shane's last day and I now have the name of my new recruiter. The recruiter that will be taking his place is Kevin. I can't wait to contact him and return to LA to meet him.

December 23, 2009
I contacted Kevin today by e-mail. I'm hoping I will hear from him just after the holidays so I can make plans to meet him.

December 23, 2009
I already heard back from Kevin. Unfortunately it's not great news. I'm kind of wishing I would have waited until after the holidays.

Yesterday all of the regional offices put in nomination requests for all of our prospective business Volunteers. The number of Volunteers far exceeded the number of available spots and many people (yourself included) had to be un-nominated as a result of this overfill. What this means for you is that I will bring your file back to a withdrawn status and wait for additional business programs to open that I can nominate you into. None of this will have an adverse impact on your candidacy. You are simply a victim of our antiquated computer systems!

I’m sorry to be the bearer of less than great news but I will do my best to re-nominate you as soon as I can in the New Year. If you have any questions, please let me know. I’ll be in the office all of next week.

Hurry up and wait. My new moto.

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