Thursday, August 19, 2010

My interview

December 8, 2009

I gave myself 3 hours to get to Los Angeles...even though it's about a 1 1/2 hour trip. You never know what could happen and I definitely don't want to be late. Too much is riding on this interview.

After getting some breakfast and waiting for some time it was finally time for me to meet my recruiter. We started out with the formalities and then began the start of a 1 1/2 hour interview. He went over my application, over my job experiences (both paid and volunteer...I've been doing a lot of volunteer work over the past couple years in preparation for this time). He looked over my references as you can imagine were riddled with praise. ;-)) Then there were his questions to me, which for the first time had me thinking "what am I getting myself into". The questions that they ask made me think harder about this adventure than anything I could have read on the Peace Corps website. How do you feel about leaving your family and friends for the next 27 months? Your children? Are you willing to change the way you dress if necessary? Change the way you eat? How are you going to cope with possibly having to sleep without a bed? You could be in a village where you are the only person that is from outside their village, white, etc. You will be the center of their attention. How do you think you'll be able to handle that?

I was able to answer each question to complete satisfaction, but it sure does make you think...what do you mean change the way I dress?!?! I guess just short of wearing a burka... Change the way I eat?? Have you seen me...there isn't much I wouldn't eat. Leaving my family and friends. With technology being what it is are we really that far away from anyone anymore. Does it matter if I move back to New York or to Africa...there's Skype. I can talk to and see my friends and family. Magic Jack (which I'm already using) and I can call anywhere in the world. Better than the phone plan I have now. The center of attention...I live for it!! LOL! There was one crazy out of text question that I never did answer. If you can think of a good answer for it, even though it is irrelevant at this point, I would love to hear what it is. What law is there that you totally disagree with but follow because it's the law? WOW...where did that come from? I've thought of this question many times since then and still haven't come up with an answer. I don't this marijuana should be illegal, but I don't smoke it not because it's a law but because I don't want to. I think the speed limit law in some areas should be different than what it is, but I break this that wouldn't work. Think about it and let me know.

Well then we moved on to my fingerprints, background check paperwork, etc. When all was said and done I was told that I am an excellent candidate, but because I don't have a degree (I knew that going to college would catch up to me some day) the only program that I would be eligible for would be their Business Advising program. And because I took French for 2 semesters (which I did to make me look like even a better candidate...and because I knew I was trying to get to Africa) they would put me down for a french speaking business advising assignment. I asked him if he was sure. He said you've taken 2 semesters of French, right? And you passed, right? So yes, french speaking business assignment. I told him, that was OK but my french really, really sucked. He said that was OK. was decided. French Speaking Business Advising.

The recruiter mentioned the Peace Corps Response program. This is where you could respond to disasters in other parts of the world and for shorter assignment periods. 3-6 months...a year. BUT, you have to do your 27 months volunteer assignment before you are eligible for this other program. I will think about this at a later date. I will think about it for sure.
After 1 1/2 hours my interview is over. One of the unfortunate things about this interview, today is Shane's last day as a recruiter with the Peace Corps. He is leaving to go to graduate school. file will be transferred over to my new recruiter and I will hear from him in the very near future. I will contact my new recruiter as soon as I know who that is...and I will come back to Los Angeles to meet with him in person. I think it makes a difference in how this new recruiter will interact with me on whether I meet him or not. But I am relieved. The interview went great! This is the first time I am feeling like dreams can come true. I am moving smoothly through the process so far!!

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