Monday, August 30, 2010

"Active" again

January 5, 2009

I was sent an automated e-mail from Peace Corps. My application status has gone back to "active". I will get in touch with Kevin and make an appointment to meet with him before it changes again.

January 13, 2009
I have an appointment set for January 20th at 2pm. Good news.

January 20, 2009
Of course this is the day they are expecting a HUGE rainstorm in southern california. I thought about trying to change the day but I remember that Kevin wouldn't be able to meet for another 3 weeks if we didn't do it today. I will brave the storm along with the Los Angeles traffic.

This is not to be an interview but an informal meeting. I set this up more so so Kevin will be able to put a face with the name. It is easier to work with people you know and have met than those that you haven't. I was there about an hour. It was a great meeting. Kevin is very nice and feel more confident now that we've spoken for a while. There were no interview questions, no formalities at all. We really just chatted. He told me a little bit more about the business assignments. Told me a little bit about his experience with living oversears (all recruiters are return volunteers). It was a good afternoon. Worth the trip in the rain. Hopefully I will hear soon about a nomination.

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