Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dear applicant...blah, blah, blah

August 31, 2010
Dear applicant,

I want to inform you that the Placement Office was unable to extend you an invitation to the program to which you were nominated. This is not uncommon as Peace Corps recruits approximately two applicants for every
one volunteer slot to ensure that enough applicants are available for placement. Additionally, some applicants do not receive medical clearance for the specific country to which they were nominated.

I am currently working on identifying new programs for you and a number of other applicants to whom invitations were not extended. Over the next three to four weeks I will be getting in contact with each of you to complete your final evaluations and discuss the timing of new placement options. Please note that a few options remain for placement in a December-departure Small Business, Francophone African program. However a number of applicants who did not receive invitations to your program will be placed in programs departing in the January to March 2011 time period.

Thank you for your patience. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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