Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I can barely wait another day!!!

October 7, 2010
Whenever there is a change in your Peace Corps application status they will send you an update notice.  You log onto your account with them and you can see what that status is.  So after they received my medical paperwork, they updated my status.  When I went on line it said, "You medical paperwork has been received."  Same for dental, etc.  On October 7, 2010 I got my first "official" word that I have been selected to be in the Peace Corps.  "Congratulations! You have been invited to become a Peace Corps Volunteer."  OMG...It actually is finally going to happen.  I am invited to be a Peace Corps Volunteer.  I will be leaving in February 2011 and I will be doing what I knew I was meant to do.  Health, Community Developement...in Africa.  Of course I still have to wait for my invitation in the mail.  That packet will contain FINALLY exactly where I will be going, the exact date I will be leaving and more details about what I will be doing.  Come on packet!!!  Some of the mysteries will finally be solved.  Once I get the packet I have 10 days to sign my forms and send them back.  Then officially I will be an official Peace Corps Volunteer.  I wait for February and then my dream comes true.

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