Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Still no packet!!

October 19, 2010

I still haven't received my packet.  I am on pins and needles waiting.  Waiting to find out exactly where and exactly when.  Most of the folks that work at the Peace Corps are return volunteers themselves so I know they know how anxious you can get just waiting to hear.  I'm trying to be patient and I know that all good things are worth waiting for.  But ....AHHHHHH!!!!  I'm 15 years in waiting to hear.  Maybe I'll e-mail my placement officer.  If nothing else maybe he can tell me when I should be expecting the packet.  Maybe it's too soon and running to the mailbox everyday isn't going to change that.  But I don't want to be a pain.  OK...if it's not in todays mail I will contact him.  Surely I'm not the only person dying to know and bugs them about when and where!!!  Right??

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