Monday, June 20, 2011

Bamako doctors

I went to Bamako today to visit the the Ear, nose and throat doctor.  He looked in my ears with a contraption that has to be  years old.  Just a big, chrome disk with a light buld in the middle that send light relecting out.  Then a reusable chrome funnel thing that he held in my ear.  I like to think he washes that in between patients.  I know they don't sterilize anything here...for the most part.  Dr. Dawn told him my story.  I wanted to tell him that I have 2 siblings that have Tinnitus presenting itself as a ringing in their ear.  I am on blood pressure medicine and other pills both of which can cause Tinnitus.  But apparently they don't need any kind of history to make a diagnosis.  He said it could be Tinnitus but he would like me to come back tomorrow to have my hearing checked.  Then gave me a prescription for drops saying that it could be caused by inflammed blood vessels in my ear/ear drum.  Dr. Dawn isn't going to fill the prescription just yet.  She wants to run the diagnosis and request for meds past Washington DC.  But I am going tomorrow for the hearing test.

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