Sunday, June 5, 2011

Never trust a fart

*Last week food poisoning, this week Giardia. What’s on the agenda for next week Africa. Malaria…death!! Bring it!!

Here’s a helpful hint that wasn’t in our Wellness Handbook…if you ever get Giardia don't get too comfortable and close your eyes. And NEVER, NEVER fall asleep.  That’s a mistake you only make once. Here’s the helpful hint they did put in the handbook…”Prevention, avoid contaminated food and water.” Really??

Whatis giardia you ask:
Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by a microscopic organism (protozoa), Giardia lamblia.
Giardiasis outbreaks can occur in communities in both developed and developing countries where water supplies become contaminated with raw sewage.
It can be contracted by drinking water from lakes or streams where water-dwelling animals such as beavers and muskrats, or domestic animals such as sheep, have caused contamination. It is also spread by direct person-to-person contact, which has caused outbreaks in institutions such as day care centers.
Travelers are at risk for giardiasis throughout the world. Campers and hikers are at risk if they drink untreated water from streams and lakes. Other risk factors include:

Abdominal pain
Gas or bloating (along with the most gasious smells you could ever imagine...I didn't know the human 
         body was capable of such things)
Loss of appetite
Low-grade fever
Swollen or distended abdomen

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