Sunday, June 5, 2011

Random stuff

*Most of the time I don’t let anyone in my house. When they do squeeze their way by me when I open the door they check out all my stuff and ask, ‘what is this, what is that’. I don’t have the language skills so I can’t tell them. The other day my jatigi muso (host family wife) who is 19 years old squeezed in. She saw my bottle of body lotion and asked what it was. I motioned putting it on my skin. She asked if it was “tulu” which is actually oil. They make tulu out of shea nuts. They also use the same to make butter that you can either cook with or use as lotion or use on your hair. So I said yes. She was still curious. So I squirted some into her hand. She diligently put her finger in it and before I could stop her it went right into her mouth. Oopsy. I guess I should have mentioned you can’t eat it.

*I got my first care package from home. Bonnie, you are the best. It had tuna fish, good seasons salad dressing mix packets, some pasta, some lights with batteries and a huge package of Oreo cookies. I was so excited to receive these things I can’t tell you. The other volunteers that were at the transit house with me when I opened my package insisted I open the Oreos…right away!! I shared a couple of the sleeves but had all intentions on bringing the rest back to site. When I got home I opened another sleeve so I could share it with my neighbors. They have never seen an Oreo before yet as soon as I handed one to my jatigi muso the first thing she did was twist the two cookies apart and lick out the stuffing.

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