Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to Bougoula

September 5, 2011

Veronica and I headed back to my village.  Even after letting her know how boring and that there is nothing to do in my village she really wanted to see where I live and what I do here in Mali.  So to Bougoula we go.  It took us 3 hours on the bus.  Uneventful I'm happy to say.

The people in my village were very receptive and excited to see another white person.  We spent the 5th and 6th just sitting around, eating at the Matrone's house and hanging around my house.  Not very exciting after all we've done over the past week and a half. 

It is time for Veronica to think about heading back towards Ghana.  As our last hurrah we decided to visit Bamako.  I hate Bamako.  It's like any large, dirty city only worse.  We had some more shopping and eating to do before our travels were over.  Genni was already in Bamako so we made plans to meet back up with her a the Sleeping Camel Hotel where we would spend the night.  We took the bus into town and then a cab to the hotel.  We ate and then got on a bashe (bush taxi) to the big market.  I hate the big market.  The vendors follow and harrass and people beg and will steal if they have an opportunity.  We headed over to the artisan section as we mostly wanted to look at jewelry.  We came, we saw, we bought and then got the hell out.  We met Genni at the hotel, ate, met some folks that were touring/vacationing in Mali and got a good nights sleep.  The next day we met up with a man that Genni works with in Sikasso.  He drove us to our somewhat destinations.  I was dropped off after a 2 hour drive in Bougouni.  And Genni and Veronica went on for another 2 hours to Sikasso.  Veronica would spend the night there and then head out in the morning for Burkino Faso and then back to Ghana.  She leaves back for the states on the 17th.  It was a good time!!

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