Saturday, September 3, 2011


Ramadan is the Muslim new year celebrations. It lasts for the entire month of August. They eat breakfast by 5am, wash and pray. Pray throughout the day as well but do not eat again until after 7pm. During the day they not only fast, but they do not drink any water, tea...nothing. They are also not allowed to tough their wives or husbands during this same time. I have had a couple of conversations with some Malians about this practice. They live in one of the hottest places on earth and they don’t drink anything all day long. It’s unhealthy and my opinion. The biggest reason for fasting is self inflicted suffering to show god their loyalty. They don’t see the problem.
The above of course is the way the “good” Muslims celebrate the holiday. In my village I see most people, the younger crowd, not following the tradition as closely. They eat and when I question them they say they’re hungry. They drink tea and water because, of course, they’re thirsty.

Ramadan has to be hard on those selling street food and food and produce at the market. No one is eating and in the evenings they cook for themselves and their families. When you go to the gar (bus station) there are women and girls there selling sandwiches, hard boiled eggs and the traditional rice with red vomit sauce. The women are still there but no one is buying. It’s supposed to be a holiday. Not cause extra hardships for the people of Mali (so I would think)

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