Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dropping the bomb...

September 28, 2011

Telling the other volunteers is proving to be harder than I thought. No one ever wants to see the others leave before our time. But they are understanding. They know that I’ve been having a hard time at my site. Some of them feel that they want to go home as well...but they won’t. They will suffer through and finish their time like it or not. The one thing I feel that they have that I don’t is the luxury of time. Being older, the thought of doing something I don’t feel good about, am not happy about and have no success to speak of for the next 2 years doesn’t appeal to me. Although I never would have thought I would renig on this commitment, or any commitment, and I had no intention of leaving early when I came here it’s just the way it worked out. Sorry if I’m disappointing anyone. No one is more disappointed in this than I am but I just can’t stay here for the sake of staying here. Wasting time and money has to stop somewhere.
Luckily my best friends that I was living with while I was waiting to leave will be so excited to hear I am coming back and will welcome me back into their home with open arms. It feels good to know I have such good friends. And eventually when I start working, and with the boys both working now, I hope to rent something again for the three of us and make sure they stay on their feet. In the meantime, my friends daughter is the only one that knows I’m coming back. We decided to keep it a surprise from her parents and the boys and surprise the. Since I have no idea at this point what time, day or anything I will be getting home it’s hard to plan this surprise but I’m sure we’ll think of something when the time comes. Now I’m finally feeling excited to be going home. They are going to shit themselves.
PC Shuttle is here
October 2, 2011

So the shuttle came to bougouni today and picked up me and all my stuff. We will go directly to the PC offices so I can drop off everything that is staying here and then when I get to the transit house I can repack and make sure I have everything that I’m taking and take out anything that is staying. Some clothes, toiletries. No sense lugging all that stuff back. We have stores with soap and shampoo in the states. I came into town on Sunday and the bureau is closed so I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out what I need to do.

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