Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 17, 2011

April 17, 2011

Well the bat didn’t show back up…until around 2pm. I went to find my busy, busy friend Osmoune to find out when he was coming, as promised, to fix my roof and now get the present bat out of my house. By the time I came by the house with Miriam he was up the ladder working on it. Not patching mind you just shoving rocks into the whole and squishing them really good into there. Supposedly bats hang upside down first and then skoot over into whatever they are trying to get into. They won’t go if they can’t fit comfortably while hanging. You learn something new every day. So at least bats won’t get in and the holes left are probably too small for rats. But there is something else that lurks here at night. My guess is that it’s gekkos. They are tricky little things. They blend in with and stay low to the cement so you can barely see them. And unlike the other lizards here they do come out at night. And of course there’s the big black four inch spider up in the corner of my living room. Just out of reach of my broom. He’ll either come down further at some point or leave. So I will not worry for the time being.

All the above aside, I had a little bit better of a day today. I went to Bocari’s (the horny old guy) house first thing this morning and did all my greetings to his wife. He didn’t seem to be around. Just as well. Then I went to Miriam’s to chat and hang out. Of course the same 10 kids circled around me as soon as I sat down. So I taught them Old McDonald and we laughed for a bit. I finally met Miriam’s husband who lives in a different town. He has two wives and eight children. Not including the two of Miriam’s that died early on in their lives. He seems like a nice guy, although Miriam says he’s amine (bad), and he speaks English. Somewhat…enough that we could have a conversation. I wonder if Miriam thinks he’s bad because he doesn’t live or stay with her. He works for the government and makes decent money and gives her enough to live what I think is comfortable for Mali. Gives her money and doesn’t live with her…sounds like the perfect marriage/husband to me.

It’s 6pm and 100 degrees in my room. I need to go get water for my evening bath before it gets dark and the frogs come out. Right now there are just a few, but by next month….Miriam told me I need to walk with rain boots there are so many. Thankfully they only come out at night so I can avoid them for the most part…be home before dark. But, I will have to go out at night when it comes time to deliver babies or Miriam needs me at the clinic for some reason. I need pants tucked into boots and frog repellent (don’t know what that is yet but I’m working on something). So I was going to bring boots but ran out of room in my luggage. Guess it’s time to cash in on some of the offers to send me a care package. Boots it is. Even if not for the frogs, the rain comes down pretty hard and floods all around where I live. Just to get out and walk somewhere or get to the market is going to become quite a chore.

April 19, 2011

I thought I was dizzy and nauseas because it was so stinking hot out. But after I finished my laundry and then lunch I laid down inside and realized how hot my skin and head were. I took my temperature and it was 100.1. Within an hour 101.5. I realized then the burning when I tried to pee earlier and nothing really came out. I just figured I had to drink more. Then I realized I probably had a bladder or urinary tract infection. I am miserable. As if the 120+ temperatures (according to my thermometer) wasn’t enough I have a fever to boot. I contacted Dr. Dawn (PC medical officer) to find out what I should do. We have meds for just about anything we could get but we shouldn’t take anything without checking in first. She concurs that it is probably a bladder or urinary tract infection although I think she thinks it is more so that I am dehydrated and have not been drinking enough water. I probably drank 3 litres of water today, but haven’t peed yet. So I guess that means I haven’t been drinking enough water. I made myself some Oral Rehydration Solution which tastes like crap (being mostly salt) but supposedly works really well for a dehydration fixative.

My crazy neighbor came over probably to find out why I did my laundry myself today. I told her I was sick and she seemed shocked…as if no one here ever gets sick. She seemed generally concerned. I laid down again and someone else came to my door. It was Miriam (the Matrone) and Aramatou. They wanted to see my new wall/mud fence that some of the men of the village finally finished for me today. Again, they were very upset when they found out I was sick. They sat with me for a little while, fanning me to make me feel better. After they left it was getting dark so I went to lay down in my tent. After about ½ hour there was a knock at my door. Crazy neighbor was back with her mom. Really!!?? You knew I was sick and when I didn’t come to the door the first two times you knocked and called my name you would think you should just go away. But no. They waited for me to get up, cursing all the way in English (not that they knew what I was saying but they had to be able to tell from the tone I was not happy), get dressed as I was laying on my mattress in my underwear burning up just to ask me “You are sick?”, “Were you resting?” I couldn’t really say anything but “YYYYYEEEESSSS I am sick and YYYYYYEEEESSSSS I was resting.” Then they said “see you tomorrow” threw a blessing at me and left. Again I have to say “REALLY!!??” No sense.

I finally laid back down and ½ hour later…that’s right…another knock at the door and someone calling my name. Waiting for me to get, cursing all the way and get dressed again. It was Miriam again…with food. And although I appreciate the gestures you knew I was sick, I told you earlier not to bring me dinner I couldn’t eat as I didn’t feel good. Now with taking the medication which causes nausea I feel even less like eating. She insisted on leaving the food and wanted me to go and lay back down. Walked me to my bed and then realized I needed to lock my door. So back to my door, out she went and I locked it behind her. PLEASE for the love of god leave me alone.

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