Thursday, January 13, 2011

Packing and counting down

January 3, 2011

Thanks to Facebook I joined the Peace Corps Mali group for those volunteers leaving February 1st.  It's been great.  Although not in person we've gotten to chat back and forth.  Throw ideas around about what to bring and what to expect (from current volunteers already in Mali).  This one is getting this bug tent, this person is getting this charger, etc.  And of course just getting to know each other before we head out half way around the world.  We learn along the way that the answer to all questions are important whether you were the one that asked them or not.  So I pay attention to everything going back and forth.

So I've actually been packed for a couple of weeks now.  Silly right?...but I wanted to make sure that all my supplies were going to fit and be within the weight limits.  So far from what I can tell I am making the weight limit of 80 pounds of checked baggage.  Even if I go over and have to pay to check a bag, that's OK with me.  I'm leaving for 2 years.  If I have to pay $50 to make sure I have everything I may need then that's what I'll do.  I think I was smart about what I packed.  Especially after reading others packing list.  For the most part there is a big age difference between myself and most of the Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) that I'll be deploying with or from the ones we've been hearing from already in Mali.  So what's important to them and what is important to me is two different things.  One volunteer bought a couple of cute tops, some skinny jeans, 10 different color eyeshadows and 3 tubes of her favorite mascara.  I'm bringing a collapsible 5 gallon BPA free water carrier.  This way I can get my water from the well with whatever is available (bucket I'm assuming) run it through my water filter and fill a container so I have drinking water always readily available.  And don't forget the water filter!!  I know they give you one, but my brother gave me one that you can take swamp water if necessary and make it drinkable with 0 (ZERO) bacterias and parasites.  No giardia for me!!  I will not shit my pants, I will not shit my pants, I will not shit my pants...I wonder if I say it enough it will make it true.

Here's the rest of my packing list.  Writing it down will help me make sure I have everything I need...I probably have more than I will use but I will definitely be prepared.

GREAT CERAMIC WATER FILTER (I put this at the top of the list as it could be the very thing between
    me and dsyntery or giardia or ????...I'm sure I'll still have plenty of problems but this is a good start
    THANKS to my brother, RODGER)
bungee cords (you never know)

4 wire hangers (again, you never know...wire hangers always seem to come in useful)
duck tape (nothing you can't fix with a little duck tape)
4 carabiners
2 travel adapters
ear plugs
leather work gloves
leatherman (for a gift for my host dad)
2 nalgene bottles
1 ass bottle (the bathrooms are holes in the ground and they don't really use toilet paper...a portable bidet
    if you will.)
camping portable toilet seat (SOooo...I feel like this is the one luxury item I bought, It is flat and light. The
     legs fold out and should stand around 10 inches above the hole. I know it sounds crazy and some of the
     other volunteers might think that it's crazy but they'll probably be knocking down my door to use my
5 gallon solar shower bag
2 - 5 gallon collapsible water jugs
ziploc baggies (1 box of each; gallon, quart, sandwich)
3 tupperware containers
2 plastic storage containers
under bed shoe storage (holds 12 pairs of shoes...I didn't buy it for shoes but for storage for other stuff...
    my extra toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, has seperated units and it fits right under the
gel bike seat cover
assorted seeds
Hiking backpack (for going into town overnight)
free standing bug tent (I'm sure I will get good use out of this. Some of the volunteers say they haven't slept
     in their huts for months because of the heat inside. But you can't sleep outside without being protected
     from mosquitos)
Camelback (if I'm going to be riding a bike everywhere I'll be needing this...thanks to my sister Gail)

6 skirts (they take up so little room...why not)
4 pair of leggings (I will wear skirts but I will wear leggings under them...makes sure my legs are covered and
   something to lessen the friction of my thighs catching fire)
5 pair of pants
2 pair of work out pants
10 t-shirts
2 pair of PJs
2 wraps
2 bathing suits
5 pairs of socks
set of sheets
2 pillows (bought those vacuum bags...suck the air right out of those bad boys.  They'll hardly take up any
hiking sandals
hiking shoes
3 pair of flip flops of sorts (shower, walking, 1 pair of nicer sandals)
rain poncho
2 bandanas
passport cover
security pouch
granola bars
Crystal light water flavors

3 towels
4 washclothes
face scrub
face cleanser
Dr. Brommer's body wash
hair clips and ties
dental floss
3 toothpastes
2 extra toothbrushes
3 nail polish
nail polish remover
cotton pads
mirror (with magnifying side...I can't see anymore without it)
foundation (with 30 spf...gotta stay away from the sun)
mascara (I may never wear it but a girl has gotta feel pretty sometimes...even in the desert, jungle, heat)
makeup remover
nail clippers
nail files
some jewelry
Meds (Immodium, Ibuprofen, etc)
resistance bands (in case riding my bike from village to health center to village won't be enough exercise)

frying pan (they say if you like to cook you should bring your own)
big knife
little knife
2 forks, 2 spoons
cutting board

4 GB zip drive
2 - 4 GB memory cards
small tripod
10" netbook
Portable speakers
all the cords for everything
AAA batteries
Solar clock
address book
photo album (so I can share pictures of home and family with my new family)
Peace Corps paperwork

3 kids puzzles
3 recorders/plastic flutes
word search book
2 coloring books
color pencils
pencil sharpener
glowstick bracelets (what a hit these will be!!)
kids memo pads
kids tattooes

OMG!!  No wonder my suitcases are stuffed and weigh a ton.  When I first weighed them they were both just about 40 pounds.  I added a couple of things AND I already have a box to mail myself right before I leave.  Since it can take a few weeks to get there I made sure it was stuff I won't need right away...which most of the stuff I'm brining I won't need at least the first 10 weeks I will be in training.  But I gotta get it there some way.  WOW...this is a lot of stuff.  I think I'll go through my suitcases again and try if I can't eliminate some stuff...or pack another box to go out to me at a later time.  There's not much time left to figure this out.

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