Sunday, January 30, 2011

"the soul would have no rainbow if the eye had no tears."

It's almost 3am Sunday morning.  I haven't been to sleep yet and I need to be in the shower by 4:30 so we can leave the house at get to the airport in time for m 7:30 flight, of course leaving time for tearful goodbyes (see above quoted by Vero on my FB), check in and security.  I'll be exhausted but I'll be able to sleep on the sure to be boring flight.

It's going to be a bitter sweet goodbye.  My dear friends, Randy & Loreen and both my boys, Josh & Jarrod will be dropping me off.  As excited and happy as I am to be heading out on adventure the likes of which are ahead of me, I'm just as sad to leave my family and friends behind me.

I spent the night with several friends, the boys of course, their sister and even my ex-husband came to say goodbye.  I spoke to my brother on skype, one of my sisters on the phone and my good friend Michael in Dallas.  All happy...all sad. 

But none as much as the mom of ma famille afrique.  I've never heard anyone cry so hard in my life.  The sobbing and wailing.  As much as I think it is actually part of their culture to be so dramatic and throw their arms up and cry and wail, I do believe her circumstances and life contributed to her sadness.  She spent so long trying to get out of Africa in fear for her and her childrens lives.  She left everyone she loved knowing that she would never see them again.  Then we become so close, despite the lack of verbal communication as she only speaks swahili, I become a part of this family and now I am going to the place she loves but so desperately ran away from.  It broke my heart to watch this display of sadness.  "I am so sorry Sophia.  I will be back before you know it."  I don't think that was a consulation.

Well, that being said, I have 3 alarms set to wake me up and I am going to take a nap. This will be my last post from San Diego for the next 27 months.  Goodbye my friends.  I love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Dallas to Clare, come in Clare, are you there yet, are you recieving this transmission?
