Monday, May 9, 2011

A funny thing happened today on the way to the market

May 9, 2011

So I’m walking along thru the back “roads” on the way to the market to get breakfast. About 25 feet in front of me was a little boy about 2, maybe 2 ½, years old stark ass naked with a big dirt mark on his butt walking about 100 feet behind his mom. I don’t know what possessed him to turn around but as he was walking he turned his head and looked right at me. His eyes almost popped out of the sockets, his mouth dropped open he turned back around and started running. He ran as fast as his little feet could take him…right past his mom and just kept going and going and never turned back around. There was a young girl behind me (about 20) that started laughing. When the mom started yelling for him to stop and come back and he just kept running the girl behind me explained to the mom why he was running. The three of us got a good laugh. We turned off to the left so we lost sight of him. As far as I know he’s still running. He’s probably half way to Timbuctou by now.

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