Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 14, 2011

Although it’s about 15 degrees cooler out than it has been it doesn’t feel that much different. Samaya, or rainy season, is officially beginning. Although they are still referring to it as the mango rains the humidity is stifling none the less. Where before the empty fields behind my house were desert like and baron they are not covered with a green layer of growth. All the sheep, goats, cows and donkeys are loving it. All this fresh vegetation. There are a hundred baby one thing or another running around. They are so cute…but make an awful lot of noise. Sometimes a baby will get separated from its mother and the noise it makes until she comes back for her baby is something else. The first time I heard it I thought it was a kid standing outside my house just yelling for the sake of being heard. I went outside to tell them to stop it only to find the cutest baby goat just yelling over and over again. I guess they are a lot more like a human baby than you would think.

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