Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February 28, 2011

Another night without sleep. It’s really awful and it’s starting to get hotter each day. It does cool off at night but these cement walls retain more heat than you would think. Maybe it’s the tin roof. No air can get out and very little gets in. Either way, I’m feeling a little irritable.

My butt is still on fire. It is swollen in the shape of my seat. It feels kind of pins and needley.

Today is February 28th??!! Are you freakin kidding me? I only left the states 28 days ago? I feel like I’ve been here, away from my friends and family, away from electricity and internet…and a washing machine…for months. Only 9 more days until we’re back at camp. Little goals…little goals.

I have to do laundry tomorrow. I only have so many skirts with me. I really need to buy some more pan~as (wraps). They are cool, easy to wear and easy to wash. They only cost about $2 a piece.

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