Monday, March 21, 2011

What's happening...???!!!!

March 21, 2011
First the horrible disaster in Japan and now war has broken out with Libya. “Obama explained that Gaddhafi was suppressing his people and that “left unchecked, we have every reason to believe that Gaddhafi would commit atrocities against his people. Many thousands could die. A humanitarian crisis would ensue. The entire region could be destabilized, endangering many of our allies and partners. The calls of the Libyan people for help would go unanswered. The democratic values that we stand for would be overrun. Moreover, the words of the international community would be rendered hollow.”

I feel so disconnected from the world. I don’t find out what’s happening until after it’s commenced or over. Not that there would be anything I could do about it if I was home, but it doesn’t feel right to be away and so disconnected. If I had been installed in my village already I probably still wouldn’t know what had happened…Japan or Libya.

There is some concern here as Mali is an ally to Libya and there are a lot of Malians that believe Gaddhafi has done great things for this country. It seems like West Africa is falling apart a little at a time. Corte D’Ivoire has been having it’s issues for years but 25 or 35 people were killed there this past week. Togo is in the midst of political unrest. Ginnea is off limits to Peace Corps recently. Even Senegal is having issues. Even the borders within Mali that we are allowed to be within are getting smaller every time you turn around. First it was Timbuctou and north, that has moved down and down and west and down some more. Peace Corps Mali is getting smaller and smaller. With all this being said and the new developments with Libya there is concern that it will start effecting our service here in Mali to the point of evacuation. I think some people are over concerned, some just want to be prepared. What happens if we get evacuated? Where will we be sent? Will we have to go home or would we be sent to another country? Peace Corps has been servicing Mali for 40 uninterrupted years. It would be a shame to have to leave now.

There was a volunteer that has been here for over a year that had what Peace Corps would call a safety issue yesterday. He got in a cab in Bamako and the cab driver was kind of up in his face about him being American and Obama being our president and that he doesn’t like Obama. Up until yesterday Malians loved Obama. They have Obama cookies here and there are more Obama t-shirts here than in the US. It goes to show you how quickly things can change. We are not on alert or restricted to our sites and not allowed to travel. So far we are moving along as if nothing is different, but again we’ve already seen signs of how quickly things can change.

*On the 2 hour bus ride from Bougouni to Bamako the bus pulled over so the driver and passengers could get off the bus to pray. They pulled their mats out, went to the side of the road and started praying to A La. Of course some just got off, ran into the woods and peed. But most were praying. Can you imagine this happening in the states. Sorry…gotta pull over and call my god. Can’t pray and drive at the same time. Hands free don’t ya know.

*I have been away from my homestay site for 2 weeks.  Tomorrow morning we return though.  I was a little upset because I thought we were staying there until our swear in on April 12th.  That's 3 weeks without electricity or internet, etc.  Not acceptable.  I just realized today that we are only there for 9 days and then back here to stay until swear in. 

Swear in is a big party when we become full fledged Peace Corps Volunteers opposed to trainees.  It is always a big party and is usually held at the Embassy.  For our group we are having our swear in and party at the President of the Republique de Mali Palace.  Very exciting stuff.  Apparently it would be like having a party at the White House.  I guess I better bring my fabric to the tailor to have my outfit made.

*I have a heat rash on a good portion of my body.  Chest, between my boobs, back of my neck and lower back.  The answer is to cover and treat with baby powder.  Do you know what happens when you mix baby powder with sweat?  Cement!!  Nice...I guess I can chip it off when I take my shower before dinner.

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