Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy days are here again!!!

March 9, 2011…the day I’ve been waiting for

It’s 9am and we need to be up at the school at 9:30. We are leaving today for the training camp. By tonight I will know where I will be living the next 2 years. I HOPE there’s air conditioning. I just took a bucket bath with the water straight from the well…no heating…I gasped when it went over my body but I enjoyed it knowing what would happen. Here I am 30 minutes later and sweat is dripping down my face and neck and dripping onto my computer. Disgusting!! What we do know as of right now…there are some sites that are 5-10K off the main road. PCVs going to one of these sites will need their bikes just to get back and forth to the main road because public transportation does not go down the road their sites are on. The 4 out of the 8 of us that will be located in a more remote area because of this reason were told yesterday that they need to bring their bikes with them today for their sites visit next week. We all have to take public transportation to our sites on Sunday…which can be anywhere from a 2 hour bus ride to a 20 hour bus ride. The PCVs that need there bike will need to get from the main road to their site (where they have no idea where it is) on their bikes with their luggage. I’m happy to announce it’s not me. As much as I wanted the full remote experience before I left the US, I have changed my tune immensely (obviously if I’m hoping for air conditioning).

Gotta go…electricity, internet, phone….ceiling fan…here I come.

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