Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Itsy, bitsy spider

March 8, 2011

Today we were evaluated by Peace Corps language instructors from the main office. They came out and the idea was for them to have conversations with each of us individually to evaluate our level. It seemed to be going well for me until I realized I was answering this guys questions in the wrong tense. Oh well…I’ve been studying the language for 4 weeks. If that’s the worst they got on me they should consider themselves lucky. I tested at Novice High. That’s better than my French evaluation and I took two semesters. Out of 8 people 2 tested intermediate mid, 1 intermediate low and the rest of us Novice High. So I’m not the worst in the group. I didn’t think so. In fact, there’s a couple of chicks I think absolutely suck. I’m a little disappointed that I tested at the same level.

Today is a national festival, Women Appreciation Day. The women aren’t supposed to do anything all day. Not cook, not clean, not work. The men are supposed to do everything for them. Which is hilarious since from what I’ve seen the men don’t know how to do anything but sit around and baroke (chat) and make tea.

Just as I suspected, the women worked as heard today as they do every day.

*I did laundry again today. I was going to wait until I got back to camp but I didn’t want to bring everything I own dirty. When I got back to my room there was a spider the size of your head on my wall. I was sitting in my room for a while but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it…and I couldn’t reach it. So I sat outside and waited for my brother to get home. He whacked it with his shoe, picked it up by a leg and threw the remains outside. I guess I’d rather a spider than a lizard or frog.

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